Definitions and Parameters


Base [token]: The token being used to purchase Target token in the auction

Target [token]: The token being auctioned off

Base Weight Start: The starting weight for the Base token.

Target Weight Start: The starting weight for the Target token. The sum of weights is always 1, so this calculated automatically when you set the base weight.

Base Weight End: The weight the Base token will have at the very end of the auction period.

Target Weight End: The weight the Target token will have at the very end of the auction period.

Initial target asset liquidity: The initial virtual liquidity of the Target token. This is strictly virtual, you don't need to deposit this amount.

Initial base asset liquidity: The initial virtual liquidity of the Base token. This is strictly virtual, you don't need to deposit this amount.


(1) Curve Mode: Click to switch between LBP-style and Time Decay style.

(2) Base Weight Start:

Typically, this is less than 0.5

To create a high to low curve, set < Base Weight End.

To create a low to high curve, set > Base Weight End.

(3) Base Weight End:

Typically, this is also less than 0.5, exceeding that value generally causes the price to decay no matter how much is purchased once the time threshold is crossed, which may be useful if you want to sell out a token no matter the price.

To create a high to low curve, set > Base Weight Start

To create a low to high curve, set < Base Weight Start

(4) Interval: The length of the auction, in seconds.

(5) Initial target asset liquidity:

To increase starting price, increase relative to initial base liquidity

To decrease starting price, decrease relative to initial base liquidity

To dampen the price impact of purchases, increase this value.

To increase the price impact of purchases, decrease this value.

This value is in tokens, not native decimals, i.e. 1 million = 1 million tokens

Typically, this value is around the same as the number of tokens you plan to sell. For example, when selling 20 million tokens, you might set this to 20 or 25 million

(6) Initial base asset liquidity:

To increase starting price, decrease relative to initial base liquidity

To decrease starting price, decrease relative to initial base liquidity

To dampen the price impact of purchases, increase this value.

To increase the price impact of purchases, decrease this value.

This value is in tokens, not native decimals, i.e. 1 million = 1 million tokens

This value usually determines the largest possible amount that can sell in one tx, so be careful to avoid values smaller than you want users to be able to spend in one purchase.

(7) Buy Rounds: The number of times the simulator will make a simulated purchase. You will probably leave this as the default.

(8) Buy Per Round: The amount of Target tokens the simulator will purchase each time it makes a purchase. You may change this to simulate different total sales. The default of 24 rounds at 500k per round simulates a sale of 12 million tokens.

Last updated